Friday, August 9, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Lonely

It's Friday and I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker at Five Minute Friday. The prompt is Lonely and we get 5 minutes to share our unedited thoughts. So here it goes.

5 full backpacks stand smartly against the wall and piles of new clothes have rotated through the laundry routine. Shoes still wait in the store, but soon we will venture out and pick several pair to bring home and wear the life out of. My kids are going to school. Big deal, I imagine people may say. The ads have been telling us that for the last month. But my house is not used to this August frenzy. We have home schooled for 7 years. I’ve been a stay at home mom since #2 was 6 months. That was 10 years ago. Starting in a week and a half (12 days my son would tell you), my kids will walk through the halls of the local schools, and meet new friends, and bring home schoolwork and fund raisers. And I will soon acquire 3 days a week of time alone. Necessary time. Cleaning time. Healing time. Resting time. And I know that lonely time will sneak in there too. It always has in these seasons when I find myself home more. It’s been so long and I fear the lonely. I pretend it won’t come. I imagine the things I’ll do. But the lonely will sneak up on me in all those silent hours. And my heart, like a slate will stand empty before the Lord, and it’s in the quiet I imagine he will write the most. It is when I’m at rest or doing chores that he will begin to script out a new direction for me, a new plan, a new identity. So I pray I can endure the lonely. For life will get its start there.

Five Minute Friday

 photo credit: redagainPatti via photopin cc


  1. Oh, what beautiful words and a beautiful faith expressed. Thank you for sharing. I know God will be faithful to meet you in the lonely moments and encourage your heart for what's next. Blessings on the journey.

    1. Such comforting words. Thank you. I'm so glad you visited.

  2. Oh how exciting! I am excited for you and your kids on this new stage of life. You are so right, that in those quiet lonely times, God meets with us. I hope you all have fun with it!

    1. It is incredibly exciting. This year is so chock full of new adventures! Thanks for reminding me that it can be fun. I thought of a lot of other things it might be, but fun was one I'd overlooked! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I hope those moments that might be filled with lonely will also be filled with surprising blessings :) enjoy the rest, friend!

    1. Thank you, my friend. Yes, that is my hope too. God's new thing will hold a lot of surprise blessings I'm sure. Thank you, so much, for stopping by and offering encouragement!
