Friday, June 7, 2013


The prompt is Fall. The link is Five Minute Friday. Hundreds of people write for 5 minutes about the prompt and then link up at Lisa-Jo Baker's site (see button below). Let's get started.

My biggest falls were never planned. They were not foreseen. They just happened and I wondered later how I could have ended up on my back instantly like that. It’s an art I think. A skill. Or just something I do well. I’ve found nothing speeds that trip up more than wheels underneath me. Like the time I decided to try out my children’s new Ripstick on Christmas at the skate park with the kids in the “pool”. Did I mention the lack of a helmet? Or the three consecutive trips to the chiropractor. Or the trip to the doctor for pain meds? That was one of those falls. I’ve had those kind of falls into sin too. My undealt with disappointments, my discouragements, those ugly tendencies that reach deep into my childhood and fight stubbornly for control of my heart… all those things speed up my fall so that I usually don’t know what hit me until I’ve sat dazed in a puddle of crud for a minute and wondered how I got there. I made a vow that Christmas. Don’t put ripstick wheels under me. I’m too valuable to my family to be laid up with a sore back or worse, since it could have been so much worse. And I made a vow to my Lord as well. I’m not going to put the wheels of disappointment, past hurts and bitterness under me and try to take a trip around the block. I’m too valuable to my family, my church friends, my God to be laid up or taken out, and I enjoy walking in freedom enough to know it’s a good choice.

Five Minute Friday


  1. I too had an incident with the ripstick... not pleasant. I commend you on your vows...I too struggle with past hurts and bitterness and this is something I am working on as well. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with us. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Your words are such an encouragement! Blessings to you too on your journey.

  2. It's hard for me not to fall into the trap of partnering with past fear and disappointment. I strive to keep my eyes on Jesus, so that I don't fall into sin from the result of it. Visiting from the Five Minute Friday today! Blessings!

    1. Yes, that focus is so important, though hard to find at times when I'm flat on my back in a daze. LOL. It takes practiced effort to keep that gaze and my balance. Blessings to you too! Thank you so much for visiting and offering such encouraging words.

  3. Yes you are right, you are too valuable for us to lose. But you must know that if your next fall is a big one there are lots of us to come together and be your hands and feet for your family:) Love, Rachael

    1. I love you my friend. I am thankful that I no longer walk (and sometimes dangerously skate) alone. Thanks for that reminder!
